The Rich Tapestry of Life

Welcome to my page of random mutterings.

Those of you who know me will see a calm veneer. You will also know that I'm easily annoyed. I think it's healthy.

I allow myself to be annoyed most of the time. It doesn't take much. People who use the letter 'H' twice in 'Southampton', txt spk, Tom Jones, and suchlike annoy me in equal measure.

Here you will find tidbits that annoy me, amuse me, and enlighten me, and I shall share them with you, to annoy, amuse, and enlighten you.

Tuesday, 23 February 2010

Cheryl and Ashley: Who gives a fuck?

Well, apparently Sky News do.

I am sooooooo bloody annoyed...

Can someone tell me what this country is coming to when Cheryl and Ashley Cole's separation takes up the first 10 minutes of Sky News' 6pm programme?

There's been a fucking enormous bomb in Newry, a General Election round the corner, and news about Terrorists and their training camps, and those two twats get TEN MINUTES? Interviewing OK! Magazine? Asking them if they've been in touch with Cheryl and Ashley's friends?! PLEASE!?

Get a grip, for fuck's sakes....

Jack Straw Announces End to ECL Programme

Oh, well that's jolly good of you, Jack.

"I have always recognised that, while necessary as a temporary measure, it was inherently unsatisfactory and potentially damaging to public confidence in justice."

What is even more damaging to public confidence in justice, Jack, is the fact that your half-arsed programme meant that 80,000 criminals were released early. 15,000 were categorised as violent offenders and 2 were terrorists. Furthermore, from those released on ECL, 1,500 of them went on to offend again, including a number of rapes and murders.

This government bangs on about it's excellent record of lowering crime. It pledges ungodly amounts of money to pointless schemes like this Broadband nonsense, and yet it seems to have forgotten to invest in our prisons. To my mind, this is a massive thirteen-year failure of government.

It's hard to argue with Dominic Grieve's assertion that, while Chancellor, Gordon Brown "choked funding for the prison cells the Home Secretary had asked for to provide the capacity required to meet official projections of the prison population."

Anyway, moving on.

We haven't executed anyone in England since 1964. I'm starting to wonder why. I won't apologise to all you Human Rights activists out there. I am of the opinion that those who commit the most heinous crimes automatically waive any Human Rights afforded them. Of course, that's not to say that they shouldn't receive a fair trial.

I believe there is an argument for bringing back the Death Penalty. I believe that where evidence against an individual is forensically and scientifically unequivocal, the option of sentencing that individual to death should be left at the discretion of the Judge. I don't know whether or not the penalty of death would act as a deterrant, and I'm not sure that it really matters. What's important is that the vast majority of law-abiding folk in this country would see that instead of Judges passing somewhat ambiguous sentences to serious criminals, something decisive was being done about serious crime.

We are far too concerned with the Human Rights of individuals who forever chip away at the morals and values that made our country great.

It's about time someone did something about it.

Monday, 22 February 2010

'Oh, a pint o' Guinness for me'.

This old fella had us in fits in my local pub on many an occasion. He passed away this last weekend.

Many times his response to 'How are ya, JJ?' would be: (in his somewhat incomprehensible Irish accent)

'Ahh, I'm all right, son, all down me left side!'

He enjoyed a Guinness, had a shopping trolley called 'Geronimo', and smoked Saudi Arabian fags.

I'll miss you laughing, and farting inappropriately.

Rest In Peace, JJ. God Bless.

Do not knock on my bloody door if...

You are selling something.

The last thing I want to be doing the moment I park my arse down to start eating my dinner is some spotty gimp in a crap suit making me get up again so that he can explain (badly) the benefits of having new windows.

Is it not blindingy obvious to you salesmen that my windows do not need replacing? Do you not know your own product well enough to bloody well notice these things?
THREE times in the last week you twats have knocked on my door when I'm doing something vastly important, like scratching my bollocks or polishing my paperclips.

'Good double glazing can save hundreds of pounds on your heating bill, mate...'.

Firstly: Are you obliquely suggesting that the £4k I spent on my windows was a waste of money?

Secondly: MATE? Bloody MATE? I'm not your mate! I wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire!

It's really quite simple. You not making me open my door only to let all my heat out so that you can have the opportunity to orate your useless scripted drivel would save me not only money off my heating bill, but the complete waste of many minutes of my precious existence on this planet that could have been spent doing things other than watching you waft your clipboard about.

What part of 'I'm not interested' do you people not understand? Is it me? Do I speak some alien language you cannot comprehend? And don't ever greet me with the 'We're not here to sell you anything, don't worry' crap the second I open the door either, because that gets my back up right away.

If I ever have the need to make use of a Gardener, Roofer, Everest Windows, Aspen Windows, Rag & Bone man, Lucky Heather lady, or Npower, I'll ring YOU. That's what the Yellow Pages is for.

Ask J.R. Hartley.

Gordon Brown: Bully?

Er, yes. Probably is.

Last week on Piers Morgan's pathetic example of pseudo-journalism, good old Gordon came across as an amiable kind of chap. But then, Adolf Hitler would also have presented as being perfectly normal with that type of questioning.

In the pressure pot environment that is Number 10, it's highly likely that there are spats on a daily basis. Afterall, it's been widely reported that Gordon and Tony often had blazing rows. Funny that he should play that down with Piers last week, and then today the proverbial shit hits the fan. I think he doth protest too much.

Christine Pratt - founder of the National Bullying Helpline charity - states that "three or four" Number 10 staff had called her helpline for advice, and that an e-mail had been received directly implicating Gordon Brown in this alleged bullying.

Is it in the public interest that we find out if Gordon Brown is a bully? Does it really matter? Probably not. What does matter to me is that New Labour have done nothing to address the allegations. It's all very well for Peter Mandelson to come out and say that Ms Pratt is a Tory stooge, but by saying that you're not addressing the issue, Mandy.

To my mind, this is what New Labour has become. Instead of addressing issues, they find ever more creative excuses for not dealing with them, and the public is fast becoming tired of it.